Zur presstechnischen Verarbeitung naturfaserverstärkter Thermoplaste
- The work presented here supports the industrial use of natural fibre reinforced composite
materials under mass production circumstances. Potentials for optimising the
materials’ properties are offered and evaluated with regard to their effect on the
process chain material – coupling agent – processing. The possibility to use these
materials in mass production applications are improved by optimising each partial
Throughout the world there exists a great variety of suitable applications for this
group of composites affecting the raw materials choice. The Europe’s market is
stamped by the requirements of the automotive industry, the important markets of
Japan and the USA are dominated by civil engineering and landscaping applications.
A yearly increase of 18 % in Europe, 25 % in Japan and 14 % in the US is expected.
The US market offers the largest market volume of more than 480000 t exceeding
the European Market for nearly five times.
To enhance the fields of application for natural fibre reinforced thermoplastics the
common techniques of the film-stacking and the compression moulding process are
used to manufacture optimised composites based on polypropylene and bast (hemp,
flax) as well as leaf (sisal) and wood (spruce) fibres. Therefore new semi finished
parts for the compression moulding process had to be developed.
Within the manufacturing of natural fibre reinforced polypropylene using the filmstacking
process material and process parameters were identified to transfer the
gathered knowledge to the compression moulding process. It has been seen that
most problems are caused by the organic origin of the fibres. Especially the addiction
of the fibres to decompose when treated with higher temperatures under pressure
hampers their use in thermoplastic composites.
By investigating wood fibres as reinforcements, which differ from bast fibres in their
chemical composition the influence of the process parameters temperature and pressure
on the composite properties were evaluated and verified for hemp fibre reinforced
polypropylene. The minimum process time was observed and in order to enhance
the fibre-matrix-adhesion by using coupling agents the diffusion of the coupling
agent molecules was determined theoretically. Therefore a model was evaluated dealing with the maximum mass flow of coupling agent being transferred in the
fibre-matrix-interface because of mass transfer mechanisms.
In order to optimise the wetting of the fibres with the matrix different possibilities to
modify the fibres were investigated. Drying the fibres prior to the manufacturing of the
composite is an easy and effective way to improve the fibre-matrix-adhesion. The
tensile strength of all composites rose conspicuously. The removal of dust and water
soluble substances by washing led to a higher tensile strength only with the sisal fibre
reinforced composite. Washing the other fibres led to decreasing fibre wetting.
Fibre substances like lignin and pectin were removed using the mercerisation technique.
Composites made from these chemically retted fibres show the more disintegrated
fibre structure and a worse wet ability of the fibre surface with the polypropylene.
Hence the tensile and bending strength was not enhanced. The Charpy impact
strength of the composite raised distinctly.
The use of coupling agents based on maleic acid crafted polypropylene led to an increasing
tensile strength up to 58 % compared to the composite manufactured with
pre-dried fibres. The bending strength raised about 109 %. The Charpy decreased
about 60 to 80 %. Flax fibre reinforced composites showed the highest tensile
strength, sisal fibre reinforced composites offered the highest Charpy. No differences
between copolymeric and homopolymeric polypropylene when using PP-MAH as
coupling agents were determined.
The kind of application of the coupling agent in the compound has an major effect on
the amount of coupling agent to be added. The closer the coupling agent is brought
to the fibres surface at the beginning of the impregnation step the less amount has to
be used. If using an aqueous suspension the least amount had to be added as the
coupling agent remains directly on the fibre surface after drying. Mixing the coupling
agent with the polypropylene hinders the well dispersed PP-MAH to act in the fibrematrix-
interface effectively, so the amount of coupling agent has to be increased.
The comparison of coupling agent containing compounds which differ in the amount
of coupling agent and the molar mass distribution showed the amount of coupling
agent related to the mass of fibres to be the important parameter to dose the PPMAH.
The mean molar mass distribution had no effect on the compounds’ properties.Transferring the knowledge gained from the film-stacked composites to the compression
moulding process offered the possibility to use jute long fibre reinforced granules
(LFT) under optimised processing conditions. The composites gained from the molten
and pressed granules showed the highly dependency of the mechanical properties
to the fibre direction in the part. If the fibres are able to flow along the cavity and
direct themselves into parallelism the tensile and bending strength increases in the
main flow direction and decreases perpendicular to this direction. The impact
strength decreases with raising orientation of the fibres. The jute fibre surface presents
a better adhesion to the polypropylene as the surfaces of the hemp, flax and
sisal fibres, which could be improved by adding PP-MAH as coupling agent.
A newly developed pelletised semi finished part with sisal fibre reinforcement and the
development of a direct impregnation process using solely a horizontal plasticating
unit completes the work. Using an established plasticating extruder offers the possibility
for the compression moulding industry to process natural fibre reinforced polypropylene
with less investment. The compression moulded sisal fibre reinforced polypropylene showed varying fibre directions and disproportionate fibre-matrixadhesion.
As a result of the plasticating process in some parts bended fibres are still
visible after compression moulding. Hence the used single-screw plasticator is not
able to equalize the molten material. Increasing the compaction pressure was not
possible as some parts showed beginning fibre degradation. Adding PP-MAH improved
the fibre-matrix-adhesion but the positive effect of the materials’ strength was
not as clear as found for the film-stacked composites. Regarding the additional expenditures
for compounding and the coupling agent costs the use of PP-MAH in
compression moulded parts seems not to be useful.
Compared to the compression moulded glass fibre reinforced polypropylene from
GMT and LFT-materials the natural fibre reinforced composites cannot reach the
high level of material properties. Optimising the fibre-matrix-interface increases the
properties but they are still lower than the properties of the glass fibre reinforced composites. Therefore the natural fibre reinforced materials are not able to substitute
the traditional GMT and LFT, they rather should be used in new applications with
lower demands.