Burkard Hillebrands, Christoph Mathieu, C. Hartmann, Martin Bauer, Oliver Büttner, Steffen Riedling, Björn Roos, Serguei Demokritov, B. Bartenlian, C. Chappert, D. Decanini, F. Rousseaux, E. Cambril, A. Müller, B. Hoffmann, U. Hartmann
- Static magnetic and spin wave properties of square lattices of permalloy micron dots with thicknesses of 500 Å and 1000 Å and with varying dot separations have been investigated. The spin wave frequencies can be well described taking into account the demagnetization factor of each single dot. A magnetic four-fold anisotropy was found for the lattice with dot diameters of 1 micrometer and a dot separation of 0.1 micrometer. The anisotropy is attributed to an anisotropic dipole-dipole interaction between magnetically unsaturated parts of the dots. The anisotropy strength (order of 100000 erg/cm^3 ) decreases with increasing in-plane applied magnetic field.