Direct observation of two-dimensional self-focusing and initial stages of a wave collapse for spin waves inmagnetic films

  • The first observation of self-focusing of dipolar spin waves in garnet film media is reported. In particular, we show that the quasi-stationary diffraction of a finite-aperture spin wave beam in a focusing medium leads to the concentration of the wave power in one focal point rather than along a certain line (channel). The obtained results demonstrate the wide applicability of non-linear spin wave media to study non-linear wave phenomena using an advanced combined microwave-Brillouin light scattering technique for a two-dimensional mapping of the spin wave amplitudes.

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Author:Martin Bauer, Christoph Mathieu, Serguei Demokritov, Burkhard Hillebrands, P.A. Kolodin, S. Sure, H. Dötsch, A. N. Slavin
Document Type:Article
Language of publication:English
Year of Completion:1997
Year of first Publication:1997
Publishing Institution:Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
Date of the Publication (Server):1997/01/01
Faculties / Organisational entities:Kaiserslautern - Fachbereich Physik
DDC-Cassification:5 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik / 530 Physik
Licence (German):Standard gemäß KLUEDO-Leitlinien vor dem 27.05.2011